What Is Streaming SQL?

What Is Streaming SQL?

Streaming SQL is an extension of SQL (Structured Query Language) that is designed to process and analyze data streams in real-time. Unlike traditional SQL, which performs full computations on static data stored in relational databases, Streaming SQL performs incremental computations on continuously generated data streams, such as sensor data, log files, social media posts, or stock market trades. This incremental computation is crucial for handling the vast amounts of data generated in real-time and providing timely insights.

The Need for Streaming SQL

In the modern world, businesses and organizations generate a vast amount of data every second. This data comes from various sources like web applications, IoT devices, social media, and more. Analyzing this data in real-time is crucial for making timely decisions and gaining insights into business operations, customer behavior, and market trends.

For example, a financial institution needs to monitor stock market data in real-time to make investment decisions. Similarly, a retail business needs to analyze customer interactions and transactions in real-time to provide personalized recommendations and offers.

Traditional batch processing methods, where data is collected, stored, and then processed at a later time, are not suitable for these use cases. This is where real-time data processing with Streaming SQL comes into play.

How Does Streaming SQL Work?

Streaming SQL enables you to write SQL-like queries to process and analyze data streams in real-time. It provides a familiar and declarative language for specifying operations on data streams, making it easier for developers and analysts who are already familiar with SQL to work with streaming data.

Here's how it works:

  1. Data Ingestion: Data is ingested from various sources like sensors, applications, or external APIs into a streaming platform.
  2. Data Processing: Streaming SQL queries are applied to the incoming data streams to perform real-time processing and analysis. These queries can perform operations like filtering, aggregating, or joining data streams.
  3. Data Output: The processed data is then sent to various sinks like databases, dashboards, or other applications for further analysis, visualization, or action.

Example of Streaming SQL with Materialized View

Suppose you are running an online store and want to monitor the shopping activity of your customers in real-time. You have a stream of shopping cart events (additions, removals, etc.) and want to maintain a real-time materialized view of the current state of each cart.

Let's assume you have an events_stream with the following schema:

  • event_id: Unique identifier for the event.
  • cart_id: Unique identifier for the shopping cart.
  • product_id: Unique identifier for the product.
  • event_type: Type of event ('add' or 'remove').
  • quantity: Quantity of the product added or removed.
  • event_time: Timestamp of the event.
CREATE TABLE event_stream( 
  event_id int,
  cart_id int,
  product_id int,
  event_type varchar,
  quantity int,
  event_time timestamptz

You can create a materialized view of the current state of each cart using Streaming SQL as follows:

  SUM(CASE WHEN event_type = 'add' THEN quantity ELSE -quantity END) as quantity
FROM events_stream
GROUP BY cart_id, product_id;

In this example, the cart_state materialized view will be continuously updated as new events arrive in the events_stream. The query will perform incremental computations to aggregate the quantity of each product in each cart by adding the quantity for 'add' events and subtracting the quantity for 'remove' events, rather than performing a full computation on the entire data set.

Now, you can query the cart_state materialized view to get the current state of a specific cart or product.

FROM cart_state
WHERE cart_id = '1234';

This query will return the current state of the cart with cart_id '1234'.

Beyond Standard SQL

Streaming SQL goes beyond the capabilities of standard SQL by introducing advanced features like window functions and watermarks that are essential for real-time data processing.

Window Functions

Window functions allow you to perform operations on each segment of data that falls into a particular window or time frame. This is crucial for analyzing data streams that are continuously generated.

There are different types of window functions, but let's focus on two common ones: tumbling windows and hopping windows.

Tumbling Window

A tumbling window is a fixed-size, non-overlapping, and contiguous time interval. It is used to group events that arrive within a specified time period.

For example, if you want to calculate the amount changes every minute, you can use a tumbling window of one minute.

CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW product_quantity_changes_per_minute AS
  SUM(CASE WHEN event_type = 'add' THEN quantity ELSE -quantity END) as quantity_changes
FROM TUMBLE(events_stream, event_time, INTERVAL '1' MINUTE)
GROUP BY window_start, window_end, product_id;

In this example, the query will calculate the quantity_changes for each one-minute tumbling window.

Hopping Window

A hopping window is a fixed-size time interval that hops by a specified hop size. The windows can overlap if the window size is larger than the hop size.

For example, if you want to calculate the quantity changes every minute, but update the result every 30 seconds, you can use a hopping window of one minute with a hop size of 30 seconds.

CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW product_quantity_changes_per_minute AS
  SUM(CASE WHEN event_type = 'add' THEN quantity ELSE -quantity END) as quantity_changes
FROM HOP(events_stream, event_time, INTERVAL '30' SECOND, INTERVAL '1' MINUTE)
GROUP BY window_start, window_end, product_id;

In this example, the query will calculate the quantity_changes for each one-minute window, but the result will be updated every 30 seconds.


Watermarks are a crucial feature in streaming SQL that helps handle late events or out-of-order events in data streams.

A watermark is a metadata associated with events in a data stream that represents the point in time up to which the events are complete. It is used to specify how late an event can arrive relative to the current processing time.

For example, if you want to calculate the quantity changes every minute, but allow events to arrive up to 30 seconds late, you can specify a watermark of 30 seconds.

CREATE TABLE event_stream (
  event_id int,
  cart_id int,
  product_id int,
  event_type varchar,
  quantity int,
  event_time timestamptz,
    watermark for event_time as event_time - INTERVAL '30' SECOND

CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW product_quantity_changes_per_minute AS
  SUM(CASE WHEN event_type = 'add' THEN quantity ELSE -quantity END) as quantity_changes
FROM HOP(events_stream, event_time, INTERVAL '30' SECOND, INTERVAL '1' MINUTE)
GROUP BY window_start, window_end, product_id;

In this example, the query will calculate the quantity_change for each one-minute tumbling window, but allow events to arrive up to 30 seconds late.

Streaming SQL extends the capabilities of standard SQL with advanced features like window functions and watermarks that are essential for real-time data processing and analysis. It performs incremental computations on data streams, rather than full computations on static data, making it a powerful and flexible tool for real-time data processing and analysis. Whether you are monitoring the stock market, analyzing social media trends, or optimizing supply chains, Streaming SQL can help you process and analyze data streams in real-time, providing timely insights and supporting data-driven decision-making.

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