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Embrace full set of streaming SQL features, including watermarking, time windowing, and temporal filtering, build sophisticated stream processing and real-time analytics at ease.
Handling complex queries at high-performance with consistency guaranteed. RisingWave’s decoupled compute and storage architecture allows for the efficient joining of multiple data streams and historical data without concern for join state size
Scale up or down within seconds, ensuring efficient handling of varying workloads without manual intervention. Built for resilience — recover from disruptions in seconds, minimize downtime while maintaining data consistency and availability
RisingWage ensures that the system can adapt seamlessly to evolving data requirements. Allow teams to modify their data stream schemas without downtime.
RisingWave provides a consistency guarantee over the consumption of streams, ensuring no unexpected data loss or duplication even after a failure recovery.
Efficiently backfill historical data without long wait times. This capability is particularly useful in environments where schema changes or business logic updates occur frequently
Join us in exploring some of the most highly anticipated and prominent features of this new release!This is a major leap forward and we are excited to share these developments with you.
RisingWave has already demonstrated its ability to simplify and accelerate complex workflows in portfolio monitoring and risk management. For engineers in capital markets, adopting RisingWave isn’t just about keeping up—it’s about staying ahead.
RisingWave is a cutting-edge SQL database designed to streamline the processing, analysis, and management of real-time event streaming data. But what sets it apart from other databases? Let’s take a look at the top 12 features, as ranked by our users in a recent survey, that make RisingWave a go-to choice for handling the complexities of real-time data.