Streaming SQL

What is streaming SQL?
Streaming SQL is an approach that brings the power of declarative SQL to real-time data streams. With streaming SQL, you can perform analysis and gain insights as data events are generated.
How is streaming SQL different from traditional SQL?
Streaming SQL differs from traditional SQL in the way it handles data. Traditional SQL is designed to query data at rest, returning a static set of results from a single point in time. In contrast, streaming SQL runs on streams of fast-changing data, allowing for continuous queries that produce new results as new data is presented. This enables real-time analysis and insights, making it essential for processing continuously flowing data.
Streaming SQL also supports continuous in-memory queries on an unbounded flow of data, as opposed to a bounded set of data resident in a table, and it is particularly useful for quick response times and simplified stream processing.
Why does streaming SQL emerge?
Streaming SQL comes along in the context of the eruption of real-time data events. More streaming data is generated each day. Traditional languages for working with data streams have become overly complex. To address this, SQL has been adapted to handle data streams, resulting in the the mergence of streaming SQL.
Use Cases of streaming SQL
Some use cases for streaming SQL include dashboards, reports, automation, and most application code. It is particularly useful for queries that need to be run repeatedly on new data as it arrives, rather than ad-hoc queries.
Overall, streaming SQL has emerged as a game-changer in the data streaming landscape, simplifying tasks and enabling users to derive real-time insights from fast-changing data.
To help you master streaming SQL quickly, we’ve prepared cheat sheets for two of the most commonly used streaming SQL dialects.
To gain a comprehensive understanding of Apache Flink and its comparison to RisingWave, please refer toUnderstanding Apache FlinkandRisingWave vs Apache Flink.
Flink SQL Cheat Sheet
Flink SQL Cheat Sheet
Flink is a unified stream and batch data processing framework. Flink SQL is an ANSI standard compliant SQL engine that is built on Flink. It provides users with a declarative way to express data transformations and analytics on streams of data.

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RisingWave SQL Cheat Sheet
RisingWave SQL Cheat Sheet
RisingWave is a distributed SQL streaming database that enables simple, efficient, and reliable processing of streaming data.
RisingWave SQL is RisingWave’s dialect of SQL for data streams. As RisingWave is PostgreSQL-compatible, many of the statements are similar to those in PostgreSQL.

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